中央公园英语_中央公园 的英语


这家咖啡店在纽约central park(中央公园)对面,perk在英语里有“振作,精神”是一种咖啡用语,也有“提神醒脑”的含义,因此取名“central perk”。





The greatest Attraction of Central Park is its picturesque beauty, filled with natural green landscapes, within the most-populated city in the U.S.

Turtle Pond provides a relaxing escape from the noisier sections of the Park and is the best place for those who enjoy quietness.

The Delacorte Music Clock, is a great attraction for kids. Playing music every half hour from 8am until 5pm daily, it plays a total of 44 songs that change with the season, including classic children's tunes such as Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Hickory Dickory Dock, Old King Cole, and Row, Row, Row Your Boat.