





       走人行道 pement是人行道

       please walk on the pement 或Pedestrians use crossing


       请勿践踏草坪keep off the grass

       保持安静be quiet

       禁止吃喝no eating or drinking

       禁止触摸do not touch

       禁止吸烟no smoking

       禁止乱扔杂物no littering

       禁止停车no parking

       危险 danger

       禁止攀爬no climbing

       禁止拍照don't take phones

       其实有技巧,标语如果是“不要”“请勿”“禁止”等否定句,开头用NO,则后面用动词加ing,如禁止停车,停车是park your car,则只用park,并再其后面加ing成了parking,如果是开头用don't,也就是do not,则后面跟短语,如禁止拍照,拍照是take phones ,则直接跟take phones .如果是请怎么样怎么样,则please+动词短语,如请走人行道,则please+walk on the pement, walk on the pement是走人行道。不知道有没有帮上忙,呵呵,祝你寒愉快!



       Civilization goes out to trel

       1. 马路行走守规则

       Road go on foot abiding by regulation

       2. 骑车做到不抢行

       Ride bicycle achieving not grag a line

       3. 乘坐公交讲礼让

       Ride in public transit saying comity

       4. 乘坐地铁有规矩

       Ride in a subway hing rule

       5. 问路指路有礼貌

       Ask that the road points to road courtesy

       6. 驾车礼让见风度

       Drive car giving precedence to idea bearing courteously


       Civilized association

       7. 礼貌用语挂嘴边

       Courtesy term bundle of mouth edge

       8. 着装选择要得体

       Dress and put on makeup choosing essential points ropriately

       9. 小小餐桌大礼仪

       Big little dining-table etiquette

       10. 自助餐饮要有度

       Buffet drink needs to he boundary

       11. 抽烟牢记有禁忌

       Smoke remember firmly that he taboo


       Civilized entertainment

       12. 图书馆里珍惜书

       Cherish a book in the library

       13. **院里勿高声

       In movie theatre not in a loud voice

       14. 展览馆里守规定

       Abide by regulation in the exhibition hall

       15. 健身房里讲谦让

       Talk in the gymnasium to modestly decline

       16. 公园环境爱如家

       The environment loves a park if

       17. 观看比赛守秩序

       Watch competition to guard order

       18. 外出旅游讲文明

       Go out and tour to stress on decorum

       今天节约一滴水,留给后人一滴血 (Today, a drop of sing a blood for posterity


       没有地球的健康就没有人类的健康 (The earth had no health without human health


       善待地球就是善待自己 (The earth is to yourself


       拯救地球,一起动手 (Se the earth together


       保护环境,从我做起 (To protect the environment, starts from me


       促绿色消费,做绿色选民(Promote green consumption and green voters


       追求绿色时尚,拥抱绿色生活(Pursuit vogue, hug green green life


       把消费限制在生态圈可以承受的范围内(The consumption restriction in ecosystems can withstand range


       让经济发展的浪潮进入绿色的河道(Let the tide of economic development of the green channel into


       心动不如行动,去怨不如去干(Echocardiography action, to blame rather dry)

       我是环保一员 (I am a member environmental


       地球是我们从后代手中借来的(The earth is our offspring from the hands of borrowed)

       破坏环境,祸及千古,保护环境,功盖千秋(Destroy the environment, nor harmful reactive cover to protect the environment and fellowship
